Ole-Luk-Oie visits a boy named Hjalmer.
Hjalmer is in bed.
Ole-Luk-Oie says,
“Watch me make your
room beautiful!”
Some flowers grow as large as trees.
Then Ole-Luk-Oie and Hjalmer hear
something. Sad sounds come from a table.
“What is that?”
Ole-Luk-Oie asks.
He looks on the table. He finds the boy’s
writing book. The letters are crying.
“Look, we
are ready to fall over!”
“You must be erased,”
says Ole-Luk-Oie.
they cry.
“Hjalmer, we must help these letters stand
says Ole-Luk-Oie.
“One, two, three; look
how tall they stand now.”
In the morning, Hjalmer looks at his letters.
Sadly, they are still falling over.